Friday, November 30, 2012

A QUICK Treasured Moment

This week has been filled with an even MORE amount of CRAZY CHAOS.  But it's allllll good!  We survived and that's all that matters! 

As you might have seen on facebook, we've been celebrating National Day at our schools.  The whole country celebrates.

Did you see the car that was all tricked out?  That's the norm.  Just slap up the faces of the 4 sheiks with some red, white, green and black paint on your car and you may just win the prize!

Fun times in the UAE!!!!!!!!!!!
However, that's not the point of this blog. 
The week before a holiday, we tend to have fewer and fewer boys show up in our classrooms.  This is especially fun for me, because I get to have special one-on-one time with the boys.  Some of the ones who I've never heard speak will actually talk to me or offer a shy smile that I've never seen. 
Thursday was a very special day.  It all happened so quickly that I almost didn't recognize it's significance.  But I have pondered that quick moment and my heart is full. 
It was 7:30 a.m. during the morning assembly.  I only had a few boys in both of my classes that day.  I was in the middle of being all "teacher-y" and everything when I found myself wondering over to talk to two of my boys.  They smiled at me with big, huge, toothy grins.  I said "Salaam alaikum" (with a big smile and the obligatory handshake).  BTW, "Salaam alaikum" means "Peace be with you".  Then to my surprise, these two little munchkins shook my hand and pulled up close to my face to give me the traditional "nose kiss".  I was taken aback for a split second and continued to smile and chat with them.
I got up and went to the "teacher circle" and suddenly it hit me what just happened.  Tears began to form in my eyes as I told my HOF what just happened. 
Now, let me back up for a moment and explain this nose kissing thing.  It's SO VERY AWKWARD to watch--- because it's special greeting between a man and another man.  It's special because it's not just meant for everyone and it doesn't seem to be used flippantly.  For them, it's a special greeting for those they dearly love.  I have also learned that fathers greet their little boys that way as well.  It's a way of showing their love for each other.  Boys also do this as a sign of respect and affection towards their Babas (father). 
This place of respect and affection is earned in this culture.  To be called "Teacher" is a high form of respect (where we tend to view as annoying when said 32 times by the same kid in an hour, or annoying because we think that kid hasn't cared enough to learn our name).  NOT THE CASE!  There is so much more to this cultural barrier than meets the eye (or ears).  To be called "teacher" means they respect you.  To be "nose kissed" means they love you (or at least really like you). It means, you have somehow crossed over............ over  a very thick line. 
I HAVE CROSSED OVER!!! at least in the hearts of these two little boys from "scary white American, Westerner teacher lady" to someone they aren't so afraid of anymore and hopefully someone they are beginning to love!  It's a HUGE moment. 
I need a picture to remind me of this "cross over moment" for Tuesday....... when they ALLLLL return....... and it doesn't feel so warm and fuzzy anymore.  :)

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Some of the many reasons I am here

Let me introduce you to a piece of my world in Al Ain.

It's been a long time coming, I know.  But I'm gonna pull the "Insha allah" card.  Oh how I wish those of you on the other side of the world understood just how funny that statement is right now.

ANYHOW...... we are coming upon NATIONAL DAY in the UAE.  Forty-one years ago, December 2nd, the UAE became a country.  This is a very BIG deal.  It is celebrated in a HUGE way! Lucky for us, their colors are green, red, white (and black) but it looks and feels like Christmas in our schools, all along the roads, on the cars....literally EVERYWHERE you turn!  They are serious about this day!  (more pics to come soon)

As I mentioned in my previous post, Thursday was a big deal for several reasons.  Yes, it was Thanksgiving and I was very thankful for many things.  That day, I was also very thankful for a MAJOR VICTORY kinda day!

Those of you who are not teachers, please bare with me.  I attempted FULL BLOWN centers (with my morning group) and it was a HUGE SUCCESS!!!!!!!!!!  Like, messy play doh sight words, a cutting and pasting center, a magnets center and a flashcard type math thing....all going on at the same time! 

Okay....let me let you in on another piece of my world.  This seems like just a normal day in America.  I mean, seriously, I've only ALWAYS taught this way.  I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOO NOT the lecturing type or the worksheet queen.  Ummmm...... I am in a foreign land where the reason I am here is because of an educational reform.  Teaching the way we know COMPLETELY FOREIGN to them.  They've never seen it.  They don't understand it.  Some are embracing it. Others are not.

 Let me just tell you though, I was scared out of my wits the first day trying to take roll and calling out a name (I bet you didn't know, they all have 7 names).  AND I bet you didn't know.... they're all pretty much the same.  In one class I have 5 Zayed Mohammeds, 7 Mohammed, 3 Theyab Nassers......and so on.  So I'm calling roll.  I call the first name.  All the sudden, a kid shoots straight up out of his seat, stands at attention and YELLS "NAM".  No clue what is happening. Not a clue.  I literally JUST FOUND out this past week that "Nam" means yes.  oh. okay. (but you have to have a lot of throat action going on when you say these words).

ANYHOW again.............   I was soooooooooooo excited at break time I went and told everyone I could find!! But I resisted the urge to then ask my HOF and Principal if I could go home at that point b/c I wanted to end on a good note.  Beeeecause..... the afternoon suicide. 

However, being the brave (or stupid) soul that I am I plowed on.  It's Saturday night, and I still regret it.   But it's all good. 

I wanted to show you some of the precious faces I see each day. Their deep, brown eyes will melt your heart. Maybe the reason for the delay in sharing this is because it has taken 3 months to get to this point.

Even in other countries, boys see a camera and they wanna give you the peace sign or the bunny ears.  lol  The boys do not wear the traditional headress to school.  This is for more formal settings or social events.
They are honoring the Sheiks of their past.  (by the way, they aren't called "sheek" it's more like "shaaaayk" but again....add a throat/cough/hock-a-lugi kinda sound and ya got it!)  My goal is to be able to master the throat sound when I say their names and some key words that will get my teacher point across (or make them stop running away from me!) ha! 

NOTICE:  the twirling guns.  GUNS???  why the Americans ask?  just sayin........  (always an adventure, right? :)) 
Here are two of my munchkins all decked out hoping to win the prize for most spirited.

This little guy's name is Mubarak.  It means HAPPY.  He is truly the happiest kid I know.  He makes me laugh alllll the time!   He's the sweetest thing, but ALMOST has more energy than I can handle!  (and if you know me, I have PLENTY of energy to keep up with the boys....but phew.....he can wear me out!  I like to think it's not because I'm getting old or's really more so because I don't understand his Arabic chatter.  Chasing him around the room is kind of tiring too.  lol

 This is a "new" addition to our days lately.  Apparantly, the 5th graders are being picked to be the "patrols".  These are the uniforms that real policemen wear in this country.  Becoming a policeman is the only thing these kids want to be when they grow up.  Now teachers, wouldn't you consider this to be a position EARNED by being good each week?  hmmmmmmmmmmmm.......  You WOULD THINK....right????? :) haha
I posted this little squirt for different reasons.  NOTICE the winter coat anyone?  Oh yes.  The boys have been coming to school in hoodies and thicker coats for the past 2 weeks.  WHY?  Not so sure.  It's still in the 80's here.  And--IT'S NOT COLD PEOPLE!  Granted.... the past week or so, I have not been standing through our 45 minute long OUTDOOR assemblies with sweat dripping down my face, back, and legs. 

And we will end on my proudest moment of the week!  SUCCESS!  No one died (meaning: moreso me from a panic attack or sudden high blood pressure).  Everyone had fun.  Some boys spoke for the very first time.  Others, recognized letters for the first time.  And others.... just enjoyed the touch, and probably the taste (EEK) of play-doh.  :)  I feel accomplished and triumphant! 
Now, let's see if we can pull it off again this week!!!?!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

A NEW kinda Thanksgiving


Gobble Gobble Gobble................

NOT the words I am hearing around me this year.

In FACT, though I'm surrounded by little people that would normally be making that silly noise--TRANSLATION:  I WORKED NOT ONLY THANKSGIVING WEEK, BUT TURKEY DAY!!!!!!!! I am actually surrounded by little ones that have NO CLUE that such a day exists.

Today, I have many thoughts.  And the fact that I am now tearing up as I type reminds me of why it has been a few weeks since my last post.  Being reflective and writing in such a way to allow you into our new reality can be emotional at times. one of those days.

I am currently at home waiting on my 3 to get out of school so we can travel to Dubai to celebrate the holiday with new friends.  At least the traveling part is similar to our past holidays. :)  I could honestly write MANY funny stories relaying the adventures of just finding ingredients for recipes or what have you.  It's ALL an adventure!  Somedays, not so funny anymore.  However, we ARE learning and adjusting. 

I hesitate to bring up the real thoughts of this day because the tears are already flowing.  I have stories to keep it light and funny about today that I will most definitely share.  For now, I will dive in and GO THERE. 

Being away from all you and cherish deeply;  traditions that hold a tender place in your heart....and yes, all the little things you take for granted ( whether it be people you see everyday, or being able to run to the BELOVED Walmart ---you know it's crazy when you would give anything to take a trip to good 'ole Wally World--- to rush to isle 2 and find pie crusts).... bring a whole new meaning to a holiday we sit and GIVE THANKS for.  :)

Today, I am thankful for a Christian family that sat around and prayed and gave thanks in various ways.  I am missing the "hidden Thankful strips in the crescent rolls" :).  By the way, Glaze Family---I would do it again this year just for laughs if I were there.  I am missing loving, thoughtful conversations with loved ones that know you from birth to present.  The laughs over memories.  The tears from remembering..................

Don't get me wrong.  I am sooooo thankful for new friends and that there ARE Americans that have come together to celebrate what we know and love.  But somehow it's just not the same.  Conversations can only go so far with people you've only known a couple months.  It's the trips down memory lane.  It's the remember when's.  It's the .....

I am thankful for you, Mama and Daddy, for raising me the way you did.  For loving me no matter what.  For ALL you've done and continue to do.

I am thankful for you, Rhonda and Lou, for being the kinda sisters that can love, fight, forgive, laugh and be there for me at the drop of a hat.  For loving me despite my oldest child, bossy moments or my tantrums for not winning.  (we'll just stop right need to go ALLLL the way down memory lane, right?!)

I am thankful for you, JT and Spence, for being the brothers I never had.  For always making us laugh.

I am thankful for you, Reagan, Brady and Nathan, for making me an Aunt and for letting me try to best aunt EVER.  (Sorry I'm out of the country right now so the spend the nights/weekends are at a slight halt---but don't let Aunt Lou win the title, k?) :)

I am thankful for you, Gammy and Pappy, for adopting me as your first daughter (n-law).  For welcoming me into your family and loving me as one of yours.  For ALLL you've done for me and for us in the past 16 years.

I am thankful for you, Scott, Nikki and Macie Moo and Morgie, for being another brother and sister that I can laugh with, talk to and play with.

I am thankful for my Grandma and  Meme, who won't be reading this :(.  I am thankful that at 94 years old, and a fall that broke her back a bit, she is still strong and HERE.  I am missing her a bunch at the moment b/c she's the one who taught me how to make pumpkin and pecan pies, sweet potato casserole and her secret dressing. I can't call her and ask what to do.  I am thankful that she is still with us and the legacy she has left for all of us.  A woman of GYNORMOUS faith. 

I am thankful for our dear friends who have walked through life with us over the years.  I cherish the roles that each of you have played every season of my life, our lives and our marriage.  Thank you for loving me/us unconditionally. 

I am thankful for all of you reading this.  We wouldn't be here if it weren't for so many of you as well.  Thank you for your continued prayers and support.  Thank you for the "check ups" you send. 

This one is crazy, but I truly am thankful for facebook this year.  This way, we stay "connected" (and or sad--haha) with you at home. 

So, now, my family has stormed through the door ending my sappy moment.  I guess that means I should wrap this up. 

We are about to be on our way to a new kinda Thanksgiving celebration.  But I wanted to take "my turn at the table" with my family.  I love you all and am thankful for family and friends and a God that I can give thanks to at any moment. 

gobble .....gobble.....gobble...... (annoying I know, but that's what we do in our family HA)

Sunday, October 21, 2012


Today, I am one-step ahead of the game.  In my American world, I'm usally a FEW steps ahead...but we won't go there.  Let me just relish the moment! :)

Since, I am ahead, my mind began to wonder about what the Lord is up to with the Davidsons.  My mind went back a few months to the beginning of this great adventure.

I realize some of you don't know the whole story of how this came to be--us picking up and moving halfway across the world. 

You see, "what had happened wuzzz" (those of you who know us best can hear how we are saying that line hahaha).  It was a Sunday in March that Greg read on the AJC about a TeachAway job fair that was held in ATL.  Well, we obviously had MISSED the job fair (which led to us having to FLY to Denver weeks later---but that's ANOTHER story :)).  Greg read me the article and I went to church having what I call an Experiencing God "Crisis of Belief" right there in the pew. I began "battling" with the Lord....."would You REALLY give me my dream?  was this article really meant for me/us?  I mean seriously, it's on the front page for all of GA to read? Is this FOR REAL?  You wouldn't really let me live my BIG dream, would you?  I don't deserve it. ....etc etc..."  You know how the conversation goes. 

This continued on the ENTIRE day.  Even later that night when I had to pull over on the way to Walmart b/c I was crying so hard.  I asked the Lord again, "okay Lord, what is going on with me?"

Turns out, that day marked the beginning of the reality of a childhood dream being fulfilled! 

So again...... well, 8 months later..... I'm sitting on my "almost new" red couch in what's beginning to feel like home...a little less slightly overwhelmed by the culture and chaos of our new life, but speechless again as I reflect on HIS love and grace for us.

My mind keeps thinking about the new opportunities for my amazing hubby!  I'm not going to spoil his surprise.....that will be for his next blog!  (so please don't get mad at us or me for hinting but not revealing--hahha)  Details will come in time. :)  Teaching overseas was NOT Greg's dream.  It was Amy's (since childhood).  The funny part of that March Sunday was that I told Greg he had to send my application in for me if he thought we should do this.  His response to that was, "Amy, if you can't fill out an application, we have bigger problems than we realize! HA!  The reasoning behind this was, if HE sent it in, it wouldn't be about ME chasing a fantasy.  It would mean that he was behind me 100%.  Two days later...he informed me that he sent in my papers.  :):)  I LOVE THAT MAN! :)

Back to today......I'm sitting here smiling thanking the Lord for being so good to us. The thought of Greg getting to live out his dream while over here is BEYOND exciting!  It's the opportunity of a lifetime! I cannot wait for to watch and see how the Lord plays this one out!  It's an incredible thing to be able to SEE God's hand move mountains and place each stepping stone down right in front of you ready for you to take the next step!

 One of my motto's has always been DREAM BIG!  It began a long time ago when I heard a song by that title and adopted it as one of my own. 

Then, life happens.....mistakes are made..... time has passed and memory fades of those dreams and desires and vows to the Lord.  Families grow.....some dreams are shattered.  LIFE happens.  We forget.

We forget what we dreamed.
We forget that we believed we could reach for the stars.
We forget who MADE those stars!
We forget who gave us the DESIRE and EQUIPPED us to do so!
We forget to KEEP DREAMING!!!

And sometimes we think, He already gave us one dream....could we really get this one too?!?!?!?

WHY-- YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES YOU CAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My prayer for you right now is that you BELIEVE God for your dream!
 I pray that you won't forget. 
And if you don't have one right now...DREAM BIG!!!!!!!!!!!   And it can be CRAZY CRAZY , or CRAZY GYNORMOUS--- just dream it, pray and seek the Lord!   Seek Him whole heartedly! 

And then.....ENJOY THE RIDE!!!!!! :) (But keep in mind, I'm not saying it will happen overnight or anything like that.....ours has taken over 20 years of preparing, teaching us and training us and growing us up a bit as well :/)

but LIVING OUT YOUR DREAMS FOR THE ONE WHO GAVE THEM TO YOU -------- is well worth all the time, tears, growing pains, training, discipline, failures, closed doors and all other opportunities leading up to it.

DREAM BIG!!!!! :)


Friday, October 19, 2012

Top of the Morning to you......

Thank you Mandisa and Toby Mac for being the song in my head waking me up before sunrise!!! (the title of this blog is one of their songs that we love).

I'm up WAAAAY too early for a weekend day (it's Friday, yes, but here, it's our Sunday), but I think that means I have begun to adjust to our "new normal".  I have always been a VERY early riser, but since moving to the other side of the world, I haven't found "my groove" yet.  So, being up at the first call to prayer time makes me smile and fills my heart with HOPE that I am HERE.

Which brings me to the point of this blog.  I have been pondering (meditating and chewing on as good 'ole southern Christians call it)  a saying for over a week now.  It goes like this:
                         Wherever you go,
            Go with ALL your heart.

I've been "writing this blog" in my head for over a week and yet I'm still sitting here staring at these words not able to begin typing.  My mind is racing with all kinds of thoughts on this. 

When you move, begin a new project, start a new relationship, try something for the first time.....whatever it is.... you have COMMITTED yourself to a certain degree, right?  Some things we are able to jump in full force with enormous amounts of energy and excitement.  We are easily productive and navigate through with speed and grace.  Other tasks...not so much.  We wake up each day with dread or we find ourselves frequently asking the Lord for the motivation to begin, continue, or to finish the task. 

The task (which is more realistically---a BUNDLE of tasks wrapped into one)  for the Davidson family was moving and beginning a new life overseas. 

Many thoughts hit me at once as I read this quote. 

We are living our dream! 

Guess what.....our dreams don't always look, smell or taste like what we imagined it would.  In the past 7 weeks, I've had many conversations with the Lord.  Some are thankful prayers.  Some are "Lord, what was I thinking???" Others go more like this...."Lord?  I asked for this?  THIS is my dream?"  and I'm reminded that He has allowed me the opportunity to live out my dream and GO and DO something I believe with all my heart I was born to do. 

With that being said.... HOW INVESTED AM I?  WHERE IS MY HEART in all of this? 

Here's the main point that has stuck with me since my first week in the schools here and the Lord connected the dots for me when I saw the quote above. 

Someone told me "the only way to make it here is to go home and drink every night and then just become numb to it all". 

That sits heavy on my heart even at this moment. 

Being numb is NO WAY to live life.  Neither is drinking to "cope".  I refuse to do either.  I am not that girl and I WILL NOT BECOME that girl. 

I see numbness all around me.  I see the blank stares of  expats (westerner/foreigners).  It breaks my heart. 

It's so easy to sit and dream your dreams and start out on new adventures.  We start out so committed and bubbling with excitement.  Then the reality sets in.  The first "brick walls of conflict/struggle or glitch in the plan" pops up.  Then  the second.  Then the mornings of "ughhh I have to wake up and do this again?"  Our excitement dwindles.  Motivation fades.  Hearts become.............hard....cold.....numb.   Maybe we still go through the motions because we are "good Christians" like that.  But really? 

Are we really "going there with all our heart?" 

Wherever I go, I want to GO THERE with every bit of me---with every bit of Jesus in me----with ALL of my heart!  I want to give it all I've got.  TO THE VERY END!  

The workout plans for the year always start out great.  By February, it's not the "cool" thing anymore.  Moving to a new place is exciting....but not being able to go to Target for matching sheets packaged together nicely in a LOGICAL place in the store---gets OLD!  Starting a new job or a new relationship is WONDERFULLY AMAZING until the "honeymoon period" is over.  EVEN STILL we have to GO THERE with ALL of our hearts. 
Fully committed. 
            Totally invested. 
Happy all the time?  Not necessarily.  Bubbly and bouncy every day? (this may only apply to me :)).  Maybe not.
But each day we must ask ourselves....did I give it my all?  Did I hold back?  Am I in this with all of my heart? 

Some say "just do the bare minimum to just get by.  Don't be too good and make us look bad, it'll just be more work for us....etc etc."

I don't know about you......but that doesn't set well with me.  Yes, there have been times that I have been guilty of this.  In the end, it never paid off.  Deep down, I felt that pain of knowing I was just mediocre. 

I think I was at a middle school camp, maybe high school, when I heard a message challenging us to not settling for mediocrity.  That challenge has stayed with me my entire life.  I don't want to be in the middle, or less than or just getting by.  I want to be EXCELLENT and ABOVE AVERAGE!  Let's be honest....I'm way too competitive....I want to WIN! :) 

As my Mama says, I'm the extreme one.  I'm either hot or cold.  High or low.  In or out.  I don't do the middle very well or for very long. 

But this is how I view it.  If you're gonna GO THERE ..... then do it for real. GO THERE with all of your heart, with all of your soul and all of your mind.  Train your heart and your brain to be fully committed even on the bad days or as you muddle through doing the Death Crawl (remember Facing the Giants?) to the ENDZONE baby!!!!!!!!!!!!  See your ENDZONE and run towards it! 

Now my heart is dancing and my face it smiling b/c that thought is exciting and makes me wanna shout for JOY!!! 

We love you guys! 
whatever you find to do today......wherever you go.......GO WITH ALL YOUR HEART! :)

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Worth Noting

Tonight we received a BLESSING that brought tears to ALL of our eyes (Hayden and Riley included). 

However, before showing you the BLESSING, we need to give a little history. 

Our adventure in a foreign land among MANY foreigners from all across the world has opened our eyes and hearts to new discoveries.  Discoveries about people, cultures and ourselves. 

Since being here, our hearts have been bent towards the workers.  They are the true servants of this land.  Some are more accurately defined as slaves.  While others, have come to the UAE because working here for less than 1000 dirhams ($273 U.S.) a month is better than the life their own countries have to offer.

We find ourselves being drawn to these people on a daily basis.  Whether it be the 5 that surround you when you are simply looking at washer or a stove.  Or the ladies that live inside our schools and clean up after us.  Or our dear friends, Cliff and Jimi, the doormen at our first hotel who knew us by name immediately and served us as if they desired nothing more than to take care of our every need.  Or our favorite waiters, Rowell and the sweet girl I have NO IDEA how to pronounce or spell her name, at 'Lil Italianos. 

These people have NOTHING--especially in comparison to those whose country this belongs to.  Yet, they have the BIGGEST hearts and the smiles that melt your heart!  They know you by name and remember things you've told them from previous conversations.  Bottom line:  THEY CARE!   They serve with a smile.  They still smile even when they are doing the nasty jobs none of us want to do.  They make eye contact with you.  These are the ones that don't look THROUGH you as if you are less than or don't even exist.  AND YET they treat those that snub them, run over them, ignore them and act as if they are less than human with the same servant's heart and ear to ear smiles. 

Are we humbled?  Yes.

Have we said more than once---"Think about this----even on our WORST day, we have it soooo much better than that busload of people driving to the Workers Compound that just worked 18 hours straight." 

Yes we have.
Here we have constant reminders that wealth does NOT make you happy.
                   I wish you could see the faces. 
Reminders of what TRUE servant's hearts look like and act like.
                I wish you could see THEIR faces.  The two are night and day. 
Reminders of who we WANT to be like and who we pray we NEVER resemble.

We could go on and on with stories.  But it is WORTH NOTING that our Filapino, Ugandan, and Bangladesh friends have touched our lives to the very core.


Tonight, Rowell, our waiter friend  (he is our friend we mentioned in an earlier post that asked Greg's permission to shake my hand and ask my name) ran out of the restaurant to catch me.  He had a gift to give us.  Here it is:
As we walked away, tears were in all of our eyes and Hayden even said "that made me cry Mom"..
Let this challenge you as it has already challenged us: 
Look for ways to SERVE others rather than be taken care of.
Do your SERVICE with a SMILE and not just for show but because you CARE.
Look AT people ----not THROUGH them.   
Because EVERYthing you do/say
----good OR bad-----
......and leaves a LASTING IMPRESSION!!!!!!!!!!!


This is what we know.....

After 6 weeks in a foreign land..........

   Teaching in an ALL BOYS school............
         Teaching Middle School for the first time EVER........................

               Driving roundabouts.......................

                       Living in hotels for over 4 weeks................

                              Surviving the malls............................

Having every important meeting with instructions you are held accountable for  IMMEDIATELY spoken only in ARABIC..................
Getting to the right place in a taxi with drivers who don't understand English.............
                   Following the 134 steps and 14 different stamps to process ONE document...then REPEAT for the next 214 documents needed..........................

                   Establising an ENTIRE house ALL WHILE working full time...........................
(this is our bedroom so far from PAN Emirates) 

Searching for sheets and comforters with only 2 major cuts and injuries..........................

                          Surviving IKEA without TOO MUCH marriage counseling afterwards...........

                                  Putting IKEA furntiture together.................................

THIS IS WHAT WE KNOW..............

Sunday, September 30, 2012

A Fun Adventure!!!

So I (Amy), am sitting here on my nearly new RED couch watching 6 men work furiously putting together all of our new furniture!  I really have nothing to do except to watch.....sooooo I decided it would be a GREAT time to blog! :)  Seeing how we had an exciting adventure yesterday in Dubai, it really is perfect timing! 

In the midst of a crazy move-in weekend, Greg's school owners invited all of the teachers and their families to join them in Dubai for a fun bonding experience.  Once again, I am struggling with a bit of jealousy---b/c ME---being the warm-fuzzy-social-butterfly-type am missing this environment at my school.  HOWEVER------------ I am blessed to be totally accepted and embraced as one of the Manor Hall team already!!!!!!!  Being there and being around these people FILL MY CUP each day (even if it takes a 12dirham taxi ride for me one way.  IT IS WELL WORTH IT!!!!!! :)

After our first very "chill" day at the new crib, we got up early with lists in tow and smiling faces ready for some fun!  We rode a bus to Dubai and enjoyed seeing hundreds of camels along the way walking on the sand dunes.  Once we arrived at the World's Largest Mall (Dubai Mall), the Davidsons caught a taxi to the World's Largest IKEA!!!!!!!!!  This is where we were bound and determined to buy EVERYTHING we needed for survival.  We even prepared everyone that we were purchasing many, many packages and there might not be room for some of us on the bus!  :)  Welllllllllllll.............that did not happen. :( In fact, we decided we might have needed some marriage counseling after such a fiasco!  lol  With a very short time frame, a VERY LARGE, VERY SPREAD OUT store and a BAAAzillion people that don't follow "shopping etiquette"...... we walked out of the store with a shower curtain (that I'm not quite sure we even liked) and cheapo shower rings.  Oh...and at the cash register, Amy threw in a box of plate sets (who knows what they really look like---------she just knew it was a priority purchase and was Sooooooooooooooooo OVER this shopping frenzy that it didn't matter anymore!!!)  THUS reminding me of my thoughts that overwhelmed me and put me in the fetal position more times than once at our humble abode on Wagnon Court-------oh how we miss our little home!!!  The thoughts I could NOT wrap my brain around was this:  "I have EVERYTHING I NEED for living and teaching here..........and I'm NOT taking a darn thing?!?!??!?!!?"  And it made me quite sad today as I'm purchasing towel sets that I still have brand new sets in tubs given to me as wedding presents 15 years ago!!!!!!!! I was thankful again today for wedding showers and wishing someone was throwing me a housewarming party right about now!!! lol  Though I must admit, buying new and different colored towels and sheets and comforters is kind of exciting b/c we all know we get bored after about 2 years of the other, right? ;)

ANYHOW....... we survived the shopping and then got snookered by yet another taxi driver who, b/c of him, we "ran-out" our own leg of the Amazing Race to the Burj Khalifa, the World's Tallest Building, just in time for the tour to begin.  The elevator to the top was super fast and incredibly smooth---all 124 floors.  (We aren't real sure why they called the tour At the Top b/c they don't allow you to actually go to the top, only the 124 floor.)  It was pretty amazing!!!!  HG and Greg searched and searched for that ONE baseball field by the camel track.  Found the camel track.........still looking for baseball.............

We enjoyed a favorite meal at PF Changs!!!  Greg was happiest of all! :)  We couldn't figure out how to fit in Texas Roadhouse, The Cheesecake Factory, Red Lobster and Ruby Tuesday into 4 hours.  I guess that means we have to go back next weekend-------seeing how we had epic failure at IKEA and still need curtains, cups, rugs, a dresser, containers, tupperware....etc...etc.   hahaha

Amy did NOT do a good job "blending in" as she walked around with a friend who has more money than she could ever dream of and shops at Fashion Circle on a weekly basis.  Yes, I have now been in Louie Vouton (no clue how to spell it) Coach, and several other famous fashion designer's stores that I have NO IDEA how to spell or say!  

We have yet to figure out who is wearing these type clothes in a culture that dresses in abyas, shaylas, and veils and has signs flashing on the screens in the malls to PLEASE DRESS CONSERVATIVELY.  Our other Rome friends, Ansley and Megan all said "who would have thought it would feel so weird to see someone's knees today"!!!  We all saw more skin today than we have seen in a month!!!  (and really, all we saw were elbows and knees)

We had a blast gazing at the beauty of the Largest Aquarium in the world and salivating in the largest Candy store in the world! We ended the day sipping coffee and people watching with our new friend and riding back to Al Ain in the most expensive car we will ever sit in.  We spent the hour on the road learning more about the culture we are now living in and trying to understand the people we are living among and serving.  As we gain understanding, we will be able to see their hearts and not just judge a people group based on media, opinions of others or different clothing.  One of the fears of our kids before moving was "they look weird/dress weird".  At that moment, I knew we were doing the best thing for them........exposing them to "every tribe and every nation" and prayerfully their hearts and minds will be opened to loving all the children of the world as Jesus does. 

Our lives have already been forever changed by watching and building relationships with the "workers".  The poorest of the poor coming to this country to serve the richest of the rich.  Their servant's hearts and constant smiles have challenged us in more ways than one.  For us, this adventure hasn't been all about the wealth that surrounds us or the "world's largest" whatevers.  It has been the little Phillipino lady that walks behind the rich that throws down his Starbucks cup and picks it up for him all while singing one of my favorite praise songs. 

I could keep going with more stories like that one, but that's for another day seeing how this post just became a novel.  :) 

Friday, September 28, 2012

It's the Little Things..............

Holy Moly ---Crazy, Crazy!!!!  It has been one T-totally Crazy month! 

However, I can JOYFULLY report that I am writing this blog from our very own new house!!  HIP HIP HOORAY TO NO MORE HOTEL STAY!!!!   lol

Though it has been chaotic, exhausting, strenuous and requires a line-backer's stamina to brave the malls, LuLu's and the Carrefour's....the DAVIDSONS have pushed through and are IN THE ZONE!!!! 

We are "camping" on the floor due to furniture not being delivered for 10 days AFTER the "5 day deadline to GET ON OUTTA HERE" of the hotel. 

Nevertheless, our faces are smiling because IT'S THE LITTLE THINGS that make life in the UAE good right now! :)

Here's just a few of our Little Things that are causing our hearts to be happy:

1.  We got internet hookup earlier than expected! 

2.  WE ARE WATCHING BASEBALL!!!! (can't believe the boys survived a MONTH without it!)

3.  We have a washing machine!!!!  and have already done 7 loads.  Washers here are SO SMALL a load can consist of about 3 pairs of jeans only!  Shirts---oh, lets say, about 10.  You might get a few pairs of socksin there too.  I'm really NOT believing that I am JOYFULLY reporting that I have done laundry---but after a month of sink washing and paying for cleaners WE ARE ECSTATIC!!!!!!!! 

(Please note that the drying rack on the left is blocking a door!!!  This is a hallway and we have to zig-zag our way through the maze... ha! Just adding more fun to the adventure right??!!)
4.  We will have a DRYER soon!  "Inshallhah"  (beginning to despise that word--but this is a happy post so I will not go there). :)  Side note for those of you who have no clue why this is a big deal:  people don't buy dryers here!  SHOCKING!   Drying racks outside are the way to go.  And yes, clothes really do dry in about 10 minutes.  However, this family of 4 are (A.) tired of crunchy undies and (B.)  tired of walking in a maze trying to dodge all of the drying racks!  Though it cost us a small fortune (dryers cost $450 US  where our washer was much less AND came with a FREE microwave)  WE ARE HAPPY!!!! 

5.  Today was our 1st "chill" day!!!  We sat around and relaxed.  3 of  us even had a NAP!!!!  This is a REALLY BIG DEAL!!!  lol We haven't had a day like this since we've arrived.  In fact, no one has had a nap since the first week due to jet lag.  It is now 1 am Saturday morning and we just got in from the mall about an hour ago from dinner and searching for household items.  As we were going through the mall we said "it's amazing what a chill day and sleep will do to your perspective and your tolerance level for people in the mall".   (That thought worked until Greg was holding a cell phone and discussing phones with the service guy and a kid pushed up in between Greg and the sales man and  jerked THE PHONE out of Greg's hand and started playing with it.  Greg's jaw was on the ground.  No one else was shocked by this behavior (other than the Davidsons).  But again, we will not go there and discuss THAT part of life here b/c this is still a HAPPY post!!! :)

6.  We have GREEN BEANS AND CORN!!!  We have laughed b/c we haven't seen a green bean here yet!!!  (in restaurants that is).  These people LOVE  their  breads, carbs and "American" fast food.  Though we don't have a can opener yet, it is on the IKEA list for tomorrow. yipee!!!  We DO have pots and pans though!!!!! :)

7.  We have a printer!!! This is a very big deal, especially for Amy!  I no longer have to find the business center and pay for copies of my lesson plans (which, by the way, are 15 pages long!) And no, for the brainiacks who are reading this and probably going to post the question "why don't you do it at school" I don't have computers or printers or internet at my school!

8.  We have a fun colored shower curtain that keeps water in the tub.  I don't know if you remember Greg's fb post a week or so ago, but he mentioned that the showers in our 2 hotels have been quite disfunctional.  The last one being the "favorite"----a piece of glass only shielding HALF of the tub.  And I do believe I had some good practice for the next time I decide to become an Olympic Hurdle track star!!! My knee hit my nose as I tried to climb INTO the shower.   And climbing out.....well, that wasn't very pretty....much less graceful.  

9. We have a COUCH  to sit on!!!!  and HG's room feels "homiest" of all!  His room has the most furniture in it so far and is almost complete!

10.  We have dangly keys signifying we have a REAL house!  We are done with the hotel keys that kept getting shut off every 4 days.    :)

These are just a few of our LITTLE HAPPYS that are allowing our life to feel more normal and like we can really begin to enjoy our adventure.  Tomorrow will bring new excitement as we go on a fun, full-day field trip with the leadership/administration of Greg's school, as well as a few busloads of other co-workers and their families.  We are headed to Dubai for all day shopping, eating AMERICAN food and climbing Burj Khalifa---the tallest building in the world!!!!!

Oh----another HUGE HAPPY that cannot go without mentioning is Greg's school (and Hayden and Riley's).  We couldn't have asked for anything better! And to think, this is what we were most concerned about before getting here!! haha  The atmosphere is encouraging and the fellowship is refreshing to the soul.  There is laughter and smiling faces.  When we walk into that school, Amy feels the warm fuzzies that she needs by teacher people.  The love of children is evident.  The love for PEOPLE is obvious.  The community and togetherness provides a place of belonging.  There is love and laughter and people who love what they do!  Each day, Amy flags down a taxi to take her to the school after a day at her own school just to be in "her happy place"!!!!  We are so thankful for the opportunity to be at Manor Hall.  We are grateful for the relationships that are being built with teachers, leadership and families at this school.  Though Amy isn't a "real" part of this school..... it's truly a home for all 4 of us!  It's funny, I've been involved in more "impromptu" parent-teacher "conferences" at the mall with Greg Davidson and his students in the past 2 weeks---at the mall!!  It's a fun blessing to watch my hubby be a teacher and even do all those awkward moments (like I used to have in Walmart with student's mama's).  More importantly, it's fun watching him minister to the lives of kids and their families and watch him do what he does best!  The kids LOVE Mr. D and so do their parents.  :)  I'm just forever grateful that I get to be a part of all of this!  :)  They couldn't have picked anyone better for the job!  He may not think he's got the hang of teaching English yet (he will breeze through it once he actually gets his textbooks) but I can surely testify that he has the touching lives part down pat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Alright, it's 2 am and I better get some sleep before our exciting adventure in a few hours!!!  Thank you so much for lifting us up so faithfully in prayer.  Thank you for helping us through the chaos and the tough days.  We couldn't have done it without you!  We love you all!!!!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Our Cups Getting Refilled

It's been a while, we know.  Please accept our apologies.  We have decided that we just need to buy one of those helmet cameras like they use when caving when we exit the safety of our hotel rooms just so you, at home, can encounter life as we know it.  There's just no other way you would ever believe us.

We haven't really been in a place that we could talk.  By time we get home, our brains are fried, we are in shell-shock and cannot find words. Period.  However, we cannot come home and relax.  We have school work to do, give the kids attention they deserve AND figure out the nightly stressful task of figuring out where to eat (preferably NOT in a mall------which makes the task THAT MUCH HARDER) and then figure out how to find the place.  Nothing is easy. Yet!??!?  (I'm trying to be hopeful).  Almost in tears the other morning over not being able to find a proper plug/convertor/whatever thingy only to discover that there are NO plugs in the bathrooms----b/c that would make TOO MUCH SENSE, right?!?!?!?  I told Greg "it's not the BIG stuff that's going to send me over the edge, it's the "simple" things like plugging in my straightner!!!!" 

Washing clothes in a sink and not being able to dry ANYTHING is getting old.  Little things like Greg having to walk around the entire hotel building instead of entering at the door closest to our elevators b/c there's a Ladies Wedding going on (please note there are already shields around the entire foyer b/c men are not allowed).  OR  us not being able to all swim together in the pool b/c it's "Women only" or "Men only" hours.  These are just a few of the things that are wearing us down............

HOWEVER,  we found a church today.  Most of the people Greg works with go there as well, which makes it feel homey-ish.  At the first stroke of the guitar of a familiar worship song, the tears began to pour down my face.  After 3 songs, my perspective had already changed as well as my heart.  My cup was refilled.  I was refreshed.

 I honestly can't even remember the songs, eventhough I tried so hard to remember b/c I wanted to write them down in my own journal.  But I do remember one phrase "Your Presence is heaven to me".  Oh and it is!  It's heaven to me when I'm alone with Jesus and it's heaven when I've been away from a large group of Believers for what feels like a year (did you know it's only been 3 weeks?!) It feels like an eternity to us since we've been home. 

As I looked around, I saw every tribe and nation represented (it seemed), every color, different cultures all gathered together in room of Oasis Hospital.  For a split second, I felt like I was on a mission trip experiencing one of those "mission trip highs" and thinking it's all cool and everything to have church in a "not church building" with a put together praise team singing into mics with bright orange extension chords falling over the entire stage.  With everyone all scrunched in real tight just so excited to be there.  Then I realized...........I'm living my dream.  Then I realized............or asked..........."what the crud was I dreaming of doing this for? What was I thinking?" 

Another part of the song hit me in that moment, the parts about being willing to go to the ends of the Earth for Him.  You know, the doing whatever You want me to do Lord prayers.  Did we REALLY mean that prayer?  It sure sounds good EVERY single time you pray it, doesn't it.  This song even mentioned the desert.  Funny how He does that, huh? So, needless to say, I had another "Come to Jesus" moment in which I asked the Lord to forgive me for not loving it at the moment and asked Him once again to give me a heart for these people.  The song talked about shining His light in a dark place.  That scripture and phrases like that take on a whole new meaning now.  I DO want to be a light in the darkness.  I guess as an excited little missionary wanna-be teenage girl I thought it would be all lovey-dovey and sweet and.........did I REALLY think it would be easy?   oh naive I was.............

I will leave you with this though.  The Pastor today brought us this challenge:  "I hope this week that your faith was the kind of faith that was strong enough, deep enough and authentic enough that you were able to ENDURE this week."  Whatever challenges, mountains/giants that stood in your way, evil, persecutions, discouragments, temptations, etc.... whatever you faced this week.  Now take this spin............. is it STRONG enough, DEEP enough and AUTHENTIC enough for you to ENDURE whatever may come your way THIS week?  ENDURE is a good word.  Endure and still smile and still Praise Him!:)

We love you guys and are praying for you as well.  We would love to pray specifically for you if you would like to share with us.  We still consider ourselves to be Doing Life with you despite the oceans between us.  We want to pray for you and encourage you in any way we can!  Thank you for loving us and for praying for us! 

Monday, September 3, 2012

Week 2

Greg and I have been discussing that it is so hard to describe life here in print.  Of course, Amy always does MUCH better with facial expressions and hand gestures to get the point across.  Typing it so you can get the FULL very difficult and a tad frustrating for us ANIMATED folks!  :) But we are trying..........

We began our second week here.  Funny how things work out.  Amy's job is the one who brought us here but in my first week I worked a total of maybe 9 hours which consisted of paperwork, bank cards, Medical exams that took 3 hours, and traveling 2 hours to SEE our new home and 2 hours back  "Work" a day....OFF a day....etc. 

Yesterday began with Greg reporting to his new job as a 6th grade teacher (WOOHOO!!!!!)  and Amy going to Bedaya 2012. Amy's day included rushing to arrive at a forum that began 2 hours LATER, pastries and juices, mingling at booths.  Now let me stop here for a moment.  Normally, us teacher folk would be ECSTATIC about "teacher booths".  Let me tell you something.....when it's all in Arabic and every woman's face is slightly or completely covered so you can NOT see a friendly smile or a welcoming.......not quite as exciting.  We were then ushered into a forum being given nifty little translator radios.  My group found a seat close to the front so as to not miss the VIP's getting to sit on the "royal chairs" in the front.  Much to our dismay, we were politely asked by the ushers to kindly remove our non-Arab selves and move to another section....far, far, FAR away.  Humph....His Excellency stood up and began his presentation.......... in Arabic. Good times.  I learned lots! :) Just kidding, I got bits and pieces and learned a little about just how far this country has come and what this educational reform has done for it's country.  However, when my nifty radio was not working.....I re-wrote (in my head, of course) the presentation if I was in charge.  :)

It really is funny how the Lord works.  He knows exactly what we need, where we need to be and how to get us to the place HE wants us.  Let's be reminded....His thoughts and His ways are different than ours.  For example, the Lord has taken a very Type A speed-demon personality and placed her in the middle of .......what would be the COMPLETE opposite of Type A??  Type B ?  Nope, the Type B--laid back sort is still too close to Type A .  Let's try a TYPE ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ country!!!  Did you catch that? I think the entire country is Type ZZZZZZZZZZ  ----- I haven't seen evidence of one single Type A hop-hop personality except for a few new teachers that are wondering what in the world is going on here?!?!?!? 

Okay.  Enough of that.  Greg has now informed me that I am going to have to help him "decorate" his classroom.  WHAAAAATTT????  lol I'm really dying on the inside laughing b/c this is all just beyond funny!!!!!!!!!!!  Ummmm..... I don't DO middle school!  They scare me!  I'm thinkin'...."good luck with that Babe!"   Naaaahhh.....I will introduce him to the TEACHER STORE (squeal!!!) Somehow, I don't think he will be as delighted as me at this part of the adventure.  hur-rumph....

Ironically, Greg has already been to his school, sat through meetings, seen his curriculum, and began getting ready for the school year that starts in 5 days.  Me, on the other hand, doesn't even know where my school is, never seen it, have not even heard the word curriculum mentioned once, orrrrrrrr know what grade I am teaching!!!!!!!!!!! Yesterday, I caught wind that the lower grade teacher positions are filled.....only 3rd-5th is available. 
                     OH. DEAR. HEAVENS. 
                                 OH. DEAR. HEAVENS. 
That's about all I could say for the remainder of  yesterday.  Typing it out just now made my stomach hurt once again.

However, we are determined to be and do all that He has called us to do here.  We are asking the Lord to help us be content and to learn how to do life in this country.  We have both requested prayer requests on facebook several times.  We appreciate them more than you know.  Nothing is familiar, nor easy. 

When we tell you HOW different it is......we can't express to you enough just HOW different it really is!!!!!  To find a place to eat takes hours of thinking, searching and driving.  Shopping is complicated and overwhelming.  To purchase an electronic item last night, the purchase was finally complete after walking across the store to 3 different stations.  Getting a 3 page carbon copy "receipt" with 6 stamps.  Being told to go to another floor of the mall, to a security something or other, for 6 more stamps and 3 signatures.  This is how we purchase things in the UAE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  HOLY MOLY!!!!!!!!!!

We are so thankful for the provisions the Lord has granted already. He has already shown favor on Greg with some very important people/owners of his school. He has also provided a much cheaper form of transportation for us while we are still waiting to be able to get a car. 

I would love to share more funny stories, but I have too many and they aren't as funny in print.  We have to laugh to keep from crying.  If anyone has a few extra amount of big bucks and wants to send us a care package......we have a list!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) However, we still do not have an address for you to send it to!  ha!!! 

Hope everyone is enjoying their Labor Day weekend!  We don't have that here.  Amy and the kids are about to brave the taxi and IKEA!  We have a house to furnish at a moment's notice. 


Friday, August 31, 2012

A Week Ago Tonight!

A week ago about this time, we landed in the UAE to truly begin this adventure.  Our feet finally touched desert ground.  We gasped for breath when the heat truly took ours away.  Others tried to warn us of the power of the heat, but there truly are no words to describe it.  It takes your breath away.  

We cannot believe it has been a week.  In some ways, it seems like we have been here forever.  We can't remember sleeping in our own bed, at our own sweet house, in our beloved Rome.  Yet, it's only been 7 days. 

So much has happened in such a short time.  Our entire world has changed....literally.  Right now, I'm sitting by an exotic beach and pool at a fancy hotel staring at beautiful scenery, even in the dark.  :)  It has seemed more like a vacation or a honeymoon resort for most of the week.  But slowly, the reality of our world is slapping us in the face. 

Many of you have told us you envy us or that you are living vicariously through us.  haha  That's great and all but right now, we truly need your prayers.  I'm writing this as a more serious blog posting because most of you reading this have asked us how to specifically for our family. My heart is racing as I'm typing and my hands are shaking because part of me wants to just keep it light and fun and funny.  But we like to be real too.  Especially considering the only way the ones we love and have leaned on, learned from, done life with, and been encouraged by so often are over 8,000 miles away.  The only way you can know how to truly pray is if we choose to be transparent in print. 

"Inshallah" is the word we were warned of.  It means "God willing".  They say it alllll the time and about everything!  Jokingly, it can translate to mean:  "it may or may not happen", or "whenever I get around to helping you", "maybe or maybe not", or "I think I want to go home now, so after you've stood in line for 3 hours waiting on me, I shall CLOSE the gate, please come back tomorrow".  These are just a few examples.  This way of thinking has been somewhat refreshing after a very full and fast paced American way of living with two very active children.  However, this structure loving chic likes a plan.  So far, it has felt good and very "vacation-y".  But towards the end of every vacation,  everyone, or at least the Mama and Daddy are ready for the normal routine.

Our brains are about to explode with constant converting dirhams to dollars, kilometers to miles, centimeters to inches.  NOTHING MAKES SENSE HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Calling plans don't exist.  Internet purchasing for your house.....not even close to what we purchase in America.  And when Greg has no idea what they are talking about..... I know....we have a problem! 

These are some of our specific prayer needs right now:

*Our housing placement.  We want to be moved, but if that's not the Lord's will, that we would be content and make the best of it all.

*That we would be able to furnish our entire house with the necessities for 4 on the housing allowance provided.  THIS IS BEYOND OVERWHELMING  and feels IMPOSSIBLE!!! That we would be frugal and able to find the deals in a place we have no clue about!  The language barrier creates even more obstacles!

*Moving to our housing placement.  Once we get our housing allowance, we have only 5 days to be moved.  Our house is 2 hours away and school is starting..........

*Praising the Lord that Greg has a job!!!!!! He is the new 6th grade teacher at the private school our kids will be attending.  Please pray------#1- for Greg!!!  He hasn't taught in a loooooong time!  #2-Hayden and Riley's transition and adjustment to an International school.

*Amy is teaching at an ALL BOYS school.  I AM TERRIFIED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  (with very good reason) TERRIFIED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Enough said....JUST PRAY!!!! :)

*Please pray that  we can come off the "culture shock" and make this our home.  That we will adjust quickly and begin to enjoy, not the glitz and glamour of all that was done to get us here, but reality of our new life. 

We know the Lord has a plan and a work for us to do.  The discomfort and the chaos of our brains and our emotions are clouding our view.  There are moments when we just want something to TASTE the same.  Or, to sit in a familiar restaurant where we can just order the "usual" and look up and see someone we know.  

It's TOUGH STUFF.  We asked for this, right?  We asked the Lord to use us. 

As youth, we prayed with such innocence and passion to be used in mighty ways.  We promised we would follow Him to the ends of the Earth, wherever He leads, we would follow. 

"Remain Faithful--I didn't promise it would be EASY, I promised it would be worth it".  signed-God. 

I've always told the Lord I wanted to be a front-runner in the battle. 

One of my favorite Mandisa songs is "Waiting for Tomorrow".  It talks about not wasting life and my favorite line of all ---"Cause you've made me for so much more than for sitting on the sidelines".  I'm not a sitter!  I'm a game player!  I don't like to sit and watch----- I WANNA PLAY, BE WHERE THE ACTION IS!!!!! Same is true, spiritually.  I wanna be used.  WE want to run this race to the end.  As spectators of the Olympics, we got to see the "Victory Moment".  We didn't see the hours and hours of blood, sweat and tears.  We weren't there for the falls, broken bones, sprains, the confusion, the heated moments between coach and student.  But in the end, from the looks on the medalist's was worth every second of it! 

I want that!  I pray you want that too!  Wherever God has you, whatever your task is right now.....don't waste it sitting on the sidelines.  Ask the Lord to take CENTERSTAGE! 

Maybe I'm just giving myself the "Youth Camp Pep talk".  I needed the reminder.  :)


Monday, August 27, 2012

Enjoying Some Scenery

Here are the views from our hotel:

This is called the Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque in Abu Dhabi.

 Standing at the fountain/pool/beach area at our hotel.  We swam in the Persian Gulf (they call it the Arabian Gulf).
More pictures to come when we are out and about during daylight hours! :)

Welcome to our NEW HOME!

I'm a few days behind with this blogging thing.  You see,  I would backtrack for you being very specific about days and times, however that would require me to KNOW the days and times of the present as well as those that came before this moment.  We "lost" a day in there somehow and with the time difference and a really bad case of jet lag, I'm doing GREAT to even remember how to open this computer and find the letters!  We are impressed with ourselves that last night, our 4th night in Abu Dhabi, we all actually went to bed at a normal time and woke up at a decent hour (well, actually when the alarm went off telling Amy to get ready for her first day of work! :)). 

The night we arrived, last Thursday, we walked around our new hotel with our mouths on the floor gawking at such grand fanciness.  As Greg put it in a fb post "country done come to town".  Being the good and proper parents we are, we have been prepping the children on not pointing and staring in a foreign place.  ehhh-hhhmmm.... "Mommy quit staring!" said Riley-bug.  Whoops!

At this point, I think it was about 9pm.  On the plane, after 40+ hours of no sleep, I looked at dear, precious, night-owl, love to research and explore hubby and said, "Let's make a pact right now.  When we get there, we are going to BED.  We aren't going exploring until we sleep."  He laughed and nodded, but somehow I knew that wasn't a sufficient pact hand-shake.

We waited for our 9 big-ole bags to be delivered to the room and then, oh yes we did, we called for a taxi and took off.  To where?  I mean, we act like we know where we are and where we were headed!  Riding in a taxi was also a new experience for the kids.  They were very excited....until they discovered the smells inside.  YIKES!!! We also quickly discovered that the drivers apparently don't NEED the blasting cold A/C for driving comfort as we Americans do!!!  HOLY HOTTNESS!!!

We ended up at the Mushif Mall.  Come to find out, restaurants are not located on "Hamburger Alley".  Nor are they freestanding buildings.  They are all located in several story malls.  In which you will also find the local supermarket, LuLu's.  The equivalent of our Walmart (Carrefour) is also in a mall or by itself.  They are very "happening" places to be, especially around 9pm (which is their dinner time) until about 1 in the morning. 

 Hayden and Riley were most excited about the "transport" system of getting the carts around the mall and stores.  Keep in mind, the buggies don't turn, they only slide!   baaahhaaa  I'm going to make a sign for our buggy:  BEWARE: If you get in the way--you WILL get hurt! (in Arabic it may look more like this  __);....___(\;;;___ ) lolol  The lines would be pretty squigglies and dots.  I can't get my computer to do that, but you get the point!

We had an eventful and exciting night.   On the taxi ride home, a couple of us, who shall remain nameless, fell asleep in the cab.:) Finally, all 4 Davidsons got tucked into our new "home" for the next possible 14 days. 

Like I said, that night, we did not sleep long.  Friday, we got up and explored a bit.  By our 4th or 6th taxi ride, Greg was giving the directions to the taxi drivers!  Woohoo!  That's MY MAN!!!  However, it did take us getting snookered by a cabbie taking advantage of those "silly Americans".  But he SHALL NOT BE FOILED AGAIN!  lol  He has already began making his own customized Google map of highlighted places we will need to get to.  How he will be able to conveniently pull this up in the moment of need, is yet to be determined seeing how our awesome iPhone and Droid do not work! hmmmmm..... pulling out the laptop that will melt in this heat is not a foreseeable option. 

Saturday.  Well, not so much to report for this day----seeing how we slept the ENTIRE DAY!!!! ugggghhh..... oh well.... it was needed.  After only being awake for 6 hours, I tried to be a responsible teacher and go to sleep at a decent hour in preparation for my first day on the job.  HA!!!! There was NO sleep to be had!  I was thankful for the energizing adrenaline rush that comes from trying to interpret 23 different languages surrounding me.  I KNEW that somewhere amidst all the babble there was something important for me to know or at least know where to go!  oh geee..... Needless to say, I made us all stay awake until a decent going to bed hour and thankfully we all slept a normal night's sleep!  YAY  to overcoming the jet lag!!!!!  Hopefully, from here on out we will function as normal once again!