Friday, November 30, 2012

A QUICK Treasured Moment

This week has been filled with an even MORE amount of CRAZY CHAOS.  But it's allllll good!  We survived and that's all that matters! 

As you might have seen on facebook, we've been celebrating National Day at our schools.  The whole country celebrates.

Did you see the car that was all tricked out?  That's the norm.  Just slap up the faces of the 4 sheiks with some red, white, green and black paint on your car and you may just win the prize!

Fun times in the UAE!!!!!!!!!!!
However, that's not the point of this blog. 
The week before a holiday, we tend to have fewer and fewer boys show up in our classrooms.  This is especially fun for me, because I get to have special one-on-one time with the boys.  Some of the ones who I've never heard speak will actually talk to me or offer a shy smile that I've never seen. 
Thursday was a very special day.  It all happened so quickly that I almost didn't recognize it's significance.  But I have pondered that quick moment and my heart is full. 
It was 7:30 a.m. during the morning assembly.  I only had a few boys in both of my classes that day.  I was in the middle of being all "teacher-y" and everything when I found myself wondering over to talk to two of my boys.  They smiled at me with big, huge, toothy grins.  I said "Salaam alaikum" (with a big smile and the obligatory handshake).  BTW, "Salaam alaikum" means "Peace be with you".  Then to my surprise, these two little munchkins shook my hand and pulled up close to my face to give me the traditional "nose kiss".  I was taken aback for a split second and continued to smile and chat with them.
I got up and went to the "teacher circle" and suddenly it hit me what just happened.  Tears began to form in my eyes as I told my HOF what just happened. 
Now, let me back up for a moment and explain this nose kissing thing.  It's SO VERY AWKWARD to watch--- because it's special greeting between a man and another man.  It's special because it's not just meant for everyone and it doesn't seem to be used flippantly.  For them, it's a special greeting for those they dearly love.  I have also learned that fathers greet their little boys that way as well.  It's a way of showing their love for each other.  Boys also do this as a sign of respect and affection towards their Babas (father). 
This place of respect and affection is earned in this culture.  To be called "Teacher" is a high form of respect (where we tend to view as annoying when said 32 times by the same kid in an hour, or annoying because we think that kid hasn't cared enough to learn our name).  NOT THE CASE!  There is so much more to this cultural barrier than meets the eye (or ears).  To be called "teacher" means they respect you.  To be "nose kissed" means they love you (or at least really like you). It means, you have somehow crossed over............ over  a very thick line. 
I HAVE CROSSED OVER!!! at least in the hearts of these two little boys from "scary white American, Westerner teacher lady" to someone they aren't so afraid of anymore and hopefully someone they are beginning to love!  It's a HUGE moment. 
I need a picture to remind me of this "cross over moment" for Tuesday....... when they ALLLLL return....... and it doesn't feel so warm and fuzzy anymore.  :)

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Some of the many reasons I am here

Let me introduce you to a piece of my world in Al Ain.

It's been a long time coming, I know.  But I'm gonna pull the "Insha allah" card.  Oh how I wish those of you on the other side of the world understood just how funny that statement is right now.

ANYHOW...... we are coming upon NATIONAL DAY in the UAE.  Forty-one years ago, December 2nd, the UAE became a country.  This is a very BIG deal.  It is celebrated in a HUGE way! Lucky for us, their colors are green, red, white (and black) but it looks and feels like Christmas in our schools, all along the roads, on the cars....literally EVERYWHERE you turn!  They are serious about this day!  (more pics to come soon)

As I mentioned in my previous post, Thursday was a big deal for several reasons.  Yes, it was Thanksgiving and I was very thankful for many things.  That day, I was also very thankful for a MAJOR VICTORY kinda day!

Those of you who are not teachers, please bare with me.  I attempted FULL BLOWN centers (with my morning group) and it was a HUGE SUCCESS!!!!!!!!!!  Like, messy play doh sight words, a cutting and pasting center, a magnets center and a flashcard type math thing....all going on at the same time! 

Okay....let me let you in on another piece of my world.  This seems like just a normal day in America.  I mean, seriously, I've only ALWAYS taught this way.  I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOO NOT the lecturing type or the worksheet queen.  Ummmm...... I am in a foreign land where the reason I am here is because of an educational reform.  Teaching the way we know COMPLETELY FOREIGN to them.  They've never seen it.  They don't understand it.  Some are embracing it. Others are not.

 Let me just tell you though, I was scared out of my wits the first day trying to take roll and calling out a name (I bet you didn't know, they all have 7 names).  AND I bet you didn't know.... they're all pretty much the same.  In one class I have 5 Zayed Mohammeds, 7 Mohammed, 3 Theyab Nassers......and so on.  So I'm calling roll.  I call the first name.  All the sudden, a kid shoots straight up out of his seat, stands at attention and YELLS "NAM".  No clue what is happening. Not a clue.  I literally JUST FOUND out this past week that "Nam" means yes.  oh. okay. (but you have to have a lot of throat action going on when you say these words).

ANYHOW again.............   I was soooooooooooo excited at break time I went and told everyone I could find!! But I resisted the urge to then ask my HOF and Principal if I could go home at that point b/c I wanted to end on a good note.  Beeeecause..... the afternoon suicide. 

However, being the brave (or stupid) soul that I am I plowed on.  It's Saturday night, and I still regret it.   But it's all good. 

I wanted to show you some of the precious faces I see each day. Their deep, brown eyes will melt your heart. Maybe the reason for the delay in sharing this is because it has taken 3 months to get to this point.

Even in other countries, boys see a camera and they wanna give you the peace sign or the bunny ears.  lol  The boys do not wear the traditional headress to school.  This is for more formal settings or social events.
They are honoring the Sheiks of their past.  (by the way, they aren't called "sheek" it's more like "shaaaayk" but again....add a throat/cough/hock-a-lugi kinda sound and ya got it!)  My goal is to be able to master the throat sound when I say their names and some key words that will get my teacher point across (or make them stop running away from me!) ha! 

NOTICE:  the twirling guns.  GUNS???  why the Americans ask?  just sayin........  (always an adventure, right? :)) 
Here are two of my munchkins all decked out hoping to win the prize for most spirited.

This little guy's name is Mubarak.  It means HAPPY.  He is truly the happiest kid I know.  He makes me laugh alllll the time!   He's the sweetest thing, but ALMOST has more energy than I can handle!  (and if you know me, I have PLENTY of energy to keep up with the boys....but phew.....he can wear me out!  I like to think it's not because I'm getting old or's really more so because I don't understand his Arabic chatter.  Chasing him around the room is kind of tiring too.  lol

 This is a "new" addition to our days lately.  Apparantly, the 5th graders are being picked to be the "patrols".  These are the uniforms that real policemen wear in this country.  Becoming a policeman is the only thing these kids want to be when they grow up.  Now teachers, wouldn't you consider this to be a position EARNED by being good each week?  hmmmmmmmmmmmm.......  You WOULD THINK....right????? :) haha
I posted this little squirt for different reasons.  NOTICE the winter coat anyone?  Oh yes.  The boys have been coming to school in hoodies and thicker coats for the past 2 weeks.  WHY?  Not so sure.  It's still in the 80's here.  And--IT'S NOT COLD PEOPLE!  Granted.... the past week or so, I have not been standing through our 45 minute long OUTDOOR assemblies with sweat dripping down my face, back, and legs. 

And we will end on my proudest moment of the week!  SUCCESS!  No one died (meaning: moreso me from a panic attack or sudden high blood pressure).  Everyone had fun.  Some boys spoke for the very first time.  Others, recognized letters for the first time.  And others.... just enjoyed the touch, and probably the taste (EEK) of play-doh.  :)  I feel accomplished and triumphant! 
Now, let's see if we can pull it off again this week!!!?!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

A NEW kinda Thanksgiving


Gobble Gobble Gobble................

NOT the words I am hearing around me this year.

In FACT, though I'm surrounded by little people that would normally be making that silly noise--TRANSLATION:  I WORKED NOT ONLY THANKSGIVING WEEK, BUT TURKEY DAY!!!!!!!! I am actually surrounded by little ones that have NO CLUE that such a day exists.

Today, I have many thoughts.  And the fact that I am now tearing up as I type reminds me of why it has been a few weeks since my last post.  Being reflective and writing in such a way to allow you into our new reality can be emotional at times. one of those days.

I am currently at home waiting on my 3 to get out of school so we can travel to Dubai to celebrate the holiday with new friends.  At least the traveling part is similar to our past holidays. :)  I could honestly write MANY funny stories relaying the adventures of just finding ingredients for recipes or what have you.  It's ALL an adventure!  Somedays, not so funny anymore.  However, we ARE learning and adjusting. 

I hesitate to bring up the real thoughts of this day because the tears are already flowing.  I have stories to keep it light and funny about today that I will most definitely share.  For now, I will dive in and GO THERE. 

Being away from all you and cherish deeply;  traditions that hold a tender place in your heart....and yes, all the little things you take for granted ( whether it be people you see everyday, or being able to run to the BELOVED Walmart ---you know it's crazy when you would give anything to take a trip to good 'ole Wally World--- to rush to isle 2 and find pie crusts).... bring a whole new meaning to a holiday we sit and GIVE THANKS for.  :)

Today, I am thankful for a Christian family that sat around and prayed and gave thanks in various ways.  I am missing the "hidden Thankful strips in the crescent rolls" :).  By the way, Glaze Family---I would do it again this year just for laughs if I were there.  I am missing loving, thoughtful conversations with loved ones that know you from birth to present.  The laughs over memories.  The tears from remembering..................

Don't get me wrong.  I am sooooo thankful for new friends and that there ARE Americans that have come together to celebrate what we know and love.  But somehow it's just not the same.  Conversations can only go so far with people you've only known a couple months.  It's the trips down memory lane.  It's the remember when's.  It's the .....

I am thankful for you, Mama and Daddy, for raising me the way you did.  For loving me no matter what.  For ALL you've done and continue to do.

I am thankful for you, Rhonda and Lou, for being the kinda sisters that can love, fight, forgive, laugh and be there for me at the drop of a hat.  For loving me despite my oldest child, bossy moments or my tantrums for not winning.  (we'll just stop right need to go ALLLL the way down memory lane, right?!)

I am thankful for you, JT and Spence, for being the brothers I never had.  For always making us laugh.

I am thankful for you, Reagan, Brady and Nathan, for making me an Aunt and for letting me try to best aunt EVER.  (Sorry I'm out of the country right now so the spend the nights/weekends are at a slight halt---but don't let Aunt Lou win the title, k?) :)

I am thankful for you, Gammy and Pappy, for adopting me as your first daughter (n-law).  For welcoming me into your family and loving me as one of yours.  For ALLL you've done for me and for us in the past 16 years.

I am thankful for you, Scott, Nikki and Macie Moo and Morgie, for being another brother and sister that I can laugh with, talk to and play with.

I am thankful for my Grandma and  Meme, who won't be reading this :(.  I am thankful that at 94 years old, and a fall that broke her back a bit, she is still strong and HERE.  I am missing her a bunch at the moment b/c she's the one who taught me how to make pumpkin and pecan pies, sweet potato casserole and her secret dressing. I can't call her and ask what to do.  I am thankful that she is still with us and the legacy she has left for all of us.  A woman of GYNORMOUS faith. 

I am thankful for our dear friends who have walked through life with us over the years.  I cherish the roles that each of you have played every season of my life, our lives and our marriage.  Thank you for loving me/us unconditionally. 

I am thankful for all of you reading this.  We wouldn't be here if it weren't for so many of you as well.  Thank you for your continued prayers and support.  Thank you for the "check ups" you send. 

This one is crazy, but I truly am thankful for facebook this year.  This way, we stay "connected" (and or sad--haha) with you at home. 

So, now, my family has stormed through the door ending my sappy moment.  I guess that means I should wrap this up. 

We are about to be on our way to a new kinda Thanksgiving celebration.  But I wanted to take "my turn at the table" with my family.  I love you all and am thankful for family and friends and a God that I can give thanks to at any moment. 

gobble .....gobble.....gobble...... (annoying I know, but that's what we do in our family HA)