On your mark.....get set....GO!!!!
Well.....we didn't quite start back so energetically! Jet lag KICKED OUR TAILS!!!! We've been back for 3 weeks now, and it was only this last week that we are feeling back to normal and sleeping at the proper times.
We are back in the UAE ready to begin year #2! It's hard to believe we've already been here a year!
So much has taken place:
Greg and I survived our first year teaching internationally................
6 new countries stamped into our passports.......
Arabic doesn't sound QUITE so foreign, shocking or ANGRY to us anymore.....
Roundabouts and constant honking DO NOT cause panic attacks any longer....
We don't think 90 degrees F is quite so hot anymore.......
Amy has earned a Master's degree in CHARADES!!!.....
Hayden claims to be part Indonesian........
Riley is on her way to China (or so she says)..........
Amy has also learned the art of LOOKING like she understands what is going on while actually having NO CLUE what is actually happening :)
Hayden can also speak a bit of Indonesian.........
Riley is working on her Afrikaans.............
We have enjoyed regularly worshipping with people from all over the world and hearing the Lord's Prayer spoken in many different languages every Friday..............
We now know that all major supermarkets "flip the store around" every night and are no longer thrown into a tizzy when we can't find what was on isle 24 yesterday is now on isle 13............
The radars on the side of the road catch you quicker than cops pulling you over (whoops).......
and much MUCH MORE.
We are excited to be much more prepared this time around! After bringing 16 bags back with us.....Amy has quite a few more resources to use while teaching!
Well.....we didn't quite start back so energetically! Jet lag KICKED OUR TAILS!!!! We've been back for 3 weeks now, and it was only this last week that we are feeling back to normal and sleeping at the proper times.
We are back in the UAE ready to begin year #2! It's hard to believe we've already been here a year!
So much has taken place:
Greg and I survived our first year teaching internationally................
6 new countries stamped into our passports.......
Arabic doesn't sound QUITE so foreign, shocking or ANGRY to us anymore.....
Roundabouts and constant honking DO NOT cause panic attacks any longer....
We don't think 90 degrees F is quite so hot anymore.......
Amy has earned a Master's degree in CHARADES!!!.....
Hayden claims to be part Indonesian........
Riley is on her way to China (or so she says)..........
Amy has also learned the art of LOOKING like she understands what is going on while actually having NO CLUE what is actually happening :)
Hayden can also speak a bit of Indonesian.........
Riley is working on her Afrikaans.............
We have enjoyed regularly worshipping with people from all over the world and hearing the Lord's Prayer spoken in many different languages every Friday..............
We now know that all major supermarkets "flip the store around" every night and are no longer thrown into a tizzy when we can't find what was on isle 24 yesterday is now on isle 13............
The radars on the side of the road catch you quicker than cops pulling you over (whoops).......
and much MUCH MORE.
We are excited to be much more prepared this time around! After bringing 16 bags back with us.....Amy has quite a few more resources to use while teaching!