A week ago about this time, we landed in the UAE to truly begin this adventure. Our feet finally touched desert ground. We gasped for breath when the heat truly took ours away. Others tried to warn us of the power of the heat, but there truly are no words to describe it. It takes your breath away.
We cannot believe it has been a week. In some ways, it seems like we have been here forever. We can't remember sleeping in our own bed, at our own sweet house, in our beloved Rome. Yet, it's only been 7 days.
So much has happened in such a short time. Our entire world has changed....literally. Right now, I'm sitting by an exotic beach and pool at a fancy hotel staring at beautiful scenery, even in the dark. :) It has seemed more like a vacation or a honeymoon resort for most of the week. But slowly, the reality of our world is slapping us in the face.
Many of you have told us you envy us or that you are living vicariously through us. haha That's great and all but right now, we truly need your prayers. I'm writing this as a more serious blog posting because most of you reading this have asked us how to specifically for our family. My heart is racing as I'm typing and my hands are shaking because part of me wants to just keep it light and fun and funny. But we like to be real too. Especially considering the only way the ones we love and have leaned on, learned from, done life with, and been encouraged by so often are over 8,000 miles away. The only way you can know how to truly pray is if we choose to be transparent in print.
"Inshallah" is the word we were warned of. It means "God willing". They say it alllll the time and about everything! Jokingly, it can translate to mean: "it may or may not happen", or "whenever I get around to helping you", "maybe or maybe not", or "I think I want to go home now, so after you've stood in line for 3 hours waiting on me, I shall CLOSE the gate, please come back tomorrow". These are just a few examples. This way of thinking has been somewhat refreshing after a very full and fast paced American way of living with two very active children. However, this structure loving chic likes a plan. So far, it has felt good and very "vacation-y". But towards the end of every vacation, everyone, or at least the Mama and Daddy are ready for the normal routine.
Our brains are about to explode with constant converting dirhams to dollars, kilometers to miles, centimeters to inches. NOTHING MAKES SENSE HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Calling plans don't exist. Internet purchasing for your house.....not even close to what we purchase in America. And when Greg has no idea what they are talking about..... I know....we have a problem!
These are some of our specific prayer needs right now:
*Our housing placement. We want to be moved, but if that's not the Lord's will, that we would be content and make the best of it all.
*That we would be able to furnish our entire house with the necessities for 4 on the housing allowance provided. THIS IS BEYOND OVERWHELMING and feels IMPOSSIBLE!!! That we would be frugal and able to find the deals in a place we have no clue about! The language barrier creates even more obstacles!
*Moving to our housing placement. Once we get our housing allowance, we have only 5 days to be moved. Our house is 2 hours away and school is starting..........
*Praising the Lord that Greg has a job!!!!!! He is the new 6th grade teacher at the private school our kids will be attending. Please pray------#1- for Greg!!! He hasn't taught in a loooooong time! #2-Hayden and Riley's transition and adjustment to an International school.
*Amy is teaching at an ALL BOYS school. I AM TERRIFIED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (with very good reason) TERRIFIED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Enough said....JUST PRAY!!!! :)
*Please pray that we can come off the "culture shock" and make this our home. That we will adjust quickly and begin to enjoy, not the glitz and glamour of all that was done to get us here, but reality of our new life.
We know the Lord has a plan and a work for us to do. The discomfort and the chaos of our brains and our emotions are clouding our view. There are moments when we just want something to TASTE the same. Or, to sit in a familiar restaurant where we can just order the "usual" and look up and see someone we know.
It's TOUGH STUFF. We asked for this, right? We asked the Lord to use us.
As youth, we prayed with such innocence and passion to be used in mighty ways. We promised we would follow Him to the ends of the Earth, wherever He leads, we would follow.
"Remain Faithful--I didn't promise it would be EASY, I promised it would be worth it". signed-God.
I've always told the Lord I wanted to be a front-runner in the battle.
One of my favorite Mandisa songs is "Waiting for Tomorrow". It talks about not wasting life and my favorite line of all ---"Cause you've made me for so much more than for sitting on the sidelines". I'm not a sitter! I'm a game player! I don't like to sit and watch----- I WANNA PLAY, BE WHERE THE ACTION IS!!!!! Same is true, spiritually. I wanna be used. WE want to run this race to the end. As spectators of the Olympics, we got to see the "Victory Moment". We didn't see the hours and hours of blood, sweat and tears. We weren't there for the falls, broken bones, sprains, the confusion, the heated moments between coach and student. But in the end, from the looks on the medalist's faces....it was worth every second of it!
I want that! I pray you want that too! Wherever God has you, whatever your task is right now.....don't waste it sitting on the sidelines. Ask the Lord to take CENTERSTAGE!
Maybe I'm just giving myself the "Youth Camp Pep talk". I needed the reminder. :)
We cannot believe it has been a week. In some ways, it seems like we have been here forever. We can't remember sleeping in our own bed, at our own sweet house, in our beloved Rome. Yet, it's only been 7 days.
So much has happened in such a short time. Our entire world has changed....literally. Right now, I'm sitting by an exotic beach and pool at a fancy hotel staring at beautiful scenery, even in the dark. :) It has seemed more like a vacation or a honeymoon resort for most of the week. But slowly, the reality of our world is slapping us in the face.
Many of you have told us you envy us or that you are living vicariously through us. haha That's great and all but right now, we truly need your prayers. I'm writing this as a more serious blog posting because most of you reading this have asked us how to specifically for our family. My heart is racing as I'm typing and my hands are shaking because part of me wants to just keep it light and fun and funny. But we like to be real too. Especially considering the only way the ones we love and have leaned on, learned from, done life with, and been encouraged by so often are over 8,000 miles away. The only way you can know how to truly pray is if we choose to be transparent in print.
"Inshallah" is the word we were warned of. It means "God willing". They say it alllll the time and about everything! Jokingly, it can translate to mean: "it may or may not happen", or "whenever I get around to helping you", "maybe or maybe not", or "I think I want to go home now, so after you've stood in line for 3 hours waiting on me, I shall CLOSE the gate, please come back tomorrow". These are just a few examples. This way of thinking has been somewhat refreshing after a very full and fast paced American way of living with two very active children. However, this structure loving chic likes a plan. So far, it has felt good and very "vacation-y". But towards the end of every vacation, everyone, or at least the Mama and Daddy are ready for the normal routine.
Our brains are about to explode with constant converting dirhams to dollars, kilometers to miles, centimeters to inches. NOTHING MAKES SENSE HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Calling plans don't exist. Internet purchasing for your house.....not even close to what we purchase in America. And when Greg has no idea what they are talking about..... I know....we have a problem!
These are some of our specific prayer needs right now:
*Our housing placement. We want to be moved, but if that's not the Lord's will, that we would be content and make the best of it all.
*That we would be able to furnish our entire house with the necessities for 4 on the housing allowance provided. THIS IS BEYOND OVERWHELMING and feels IMPOSSIBLE!!! That we would be frugal and able to find the deals in a place we have no clue about! The language barrier creates even more obstacles!
*Moving to our housing placement. Once we get our housing allowance, we have only 5 days to be moved. Our house is 2 hours away and school is starting..........
*Praising the Lord that Greg has a job!!!!!! He is the new 6th grade teacher at the private school our kids will be attending. Please pray------#1- for Greg!!! He hasn't taught in a loooooong time! #2-Hayden and Riley's transition and adjustment to an International school.
*Amy is teaching at an ALL BOYS school. I AM TERRIFIED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (with very good reason) TERRIFIED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Enough said....JUST PRAY!!!! :)
*Please pray that we can come off the "culture shock" and make this our home. That we will adjust quickly and begin to enjoy, not the glitz and glamour of all that was done to get us here, but reality of our new life.
We know the Lord has a plan and a work for us to do. The discomfort and the chaos of our brains and our emotions are clouding our view. There are moments when we just want something to TASTE the same. Or, to sit in a familiar restaurant where we can just order the "usual" and look up and see someone we know.
It's TOUGH STUFF. We asked for this, right? We asked the Lord to use us.
As youth, we prayed with such innocence and passion to be used in mighty ways. We promised we would follow Him to the ends of the Earth, wherever He leads, we would follow.
"Remain Faithful--I didn't promise it would be EASY, I promised it would be worth it". signed-God.
I've always told the Lord I wanted to be a front-runner in the battle.
One of my favorite Mandisa songs is "Waiting for Tomorrow". It talks about not wasting life and my favorite line of all ---"Cause you've made me for so much more than for sitting on the sidelines". I'm not a sitter! I'm a game player! I don't like to sit and watch----- I WANNA PLAY, BE WHERE THE ACTION IS!!!!! Same is true, spiritually. I wanna be used. WE want to run this race to the end. As spectators of the Olympics, we got to see the "Victory Moment". We didn't see the hours and hours of blood, sweat and tears. We weren't there for the falls, broken bones, sprains, the confusion, the heated moments between coach and student. But in the end, from the looks on the medalist's faces....it was worth every second of it!
I want that! I pray you want that too! Wherever God has you, whatever your task is right now.....don't waste it sitting on the sidelines. Ask the Lord to take CENTERSTAGE!
Maybe I'm just giving myself the "Youth Camp Pep talk". I needed the reminder. :)